To become deeper in tone變聲嗓音變低沉His voice began to change at age 1313歲時他嗓音開始變了 n名詞The act, process, or result of altering or modifying改變改變或修改的動作過程或結果a;They need to pursue the deeper pleasure of satisfaction in work and in relationships 3不必要的改變人稱,比如 Now more than ever, parents need to be in touch with their children#39s activities because modern life has。
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deeper ZTt老趙于19發布在抖音,已經收獲了0個喜歡,來抖音,記錄美好生活;He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field Finally, I was deeply impressed by the resp。
1、But the problem goes deeper than one of hiring When credit is artificially cheap and asset prices are rising, banks have enormous incentives to circumvent capital requirements In such circumstances, even the smartest。
2、英音 t#643eind#658 ,美音 t#643eind#658 , 可數名詞 1C,U 改變變化變更變革 2sing a change from sth會令人感興趣或可喜的變化,變更 3 替代更換替。
3、一作者簡介 周雪光1959年, 斯坦福大學 社會學系教授清華大學社會學系兼職教授周雪光早年下鄉1,恢復高考后于19781982年就讀于 復旦。
1、Deeper night, brother and sister both tired imperceptibly asleep again不久,天亮了Soon, the dawn兄妹倆一醒來,就努力的尋找出路,走啊走的,突然,班吉爾的眼睛一亮,叫著說Both brother and sister to wake up, just to。
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4、在2020年全球疫情蔓延生產制造業一度低迷的情況下,Deeper Connect逆勢生長破而后立,從研發到量產從升級到迭代,在全球范圍內迅速布局創新。
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